Monday, September 18, 2006

In Your Ears: Mixing With Mylo

Miles MacInnes, better known as Mylo, is quite the audio-wizard. While it seems that my indie rock tastes have been apparent so far, I'm also into a fair bit of electronica. My initial post was, after all, Ladytron, whom I'm happily going to be seeing next week at Webster Hall. Security permitting, photos should be forthcoming. Anyways, electronica isn't that far removed from the artists that I've been exploring; it's inherently collaborative, with copious guesting and remixing. Mylo really takes this concept to a new level, as most of his excellent album, Destroy Rock & Roll, was engineered on a Pro Toolsesque program, utilizing various samples and archival material. The end result is a really fun, enjoyable listen, even if you aren't particularly into the genre. I've got quite a few uploads today, and I'll do my best to type you through them.

Here's a live DJ set, recorded at Club London in Dundee, Scotland on May 13th, 2006. Mylo's from Skye, a tiny isle off of Scotland, so this is a bit of a hometown crowd, with audible cheering. It's a rather large file (about an hour of music), so please be patient with the download. You can make out parts of the songs "Paris Four Hundred," "Otto's Journey" and "Drop The Pressure." Also, The Knife's "Silent Shout" is sampled.

Download: Here

Here's another live set, recorded via Galaxy FM in Hi-Fi: North, Liverpool, England (Ladytron's home town, incidentally). It was recorded on May 27th, 2006 (My eighteenth birthday, incidentally). I didn't recognize many specific song samples, but there is a nice DFA moment (R.I.P.).

Download: Here

Okay, now for the esoterica. Mylo has a fantastic song called "In My Arms," which you can stream at his official site. It's actually a mashup of the synth line from "Bette Davis Eyes" with the line, "In my arms, baby yeah!" from "Waiting For A Star To Fall." No, I wasn't aware of these 80's hits either, but as I'm a sucker for connections, no matter how obscure, I can't resist uploading:

Boy Meets Girl - Waiting For A Star To Fall
Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes

Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't reiterate this fantastic mashup that Party Ben did of two of my favorite artists. Definitely worth a listen:

Tegan and Sara vs. Mylo - Walking With A Ghost In Paris

Thank Mylo For House Music: Here

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