Patrick Wolf was in town last weekend, and I'm sorry to say that I missed out. While he's been quite buzz-worthy over the last few weeks, I was still quite shocked to see his flamboyant self after flipping open the New York Times on Monday morning. Apparently there was a rather nasty incident involving Patrick's drummer, which you can read about within that article. Although it should do nothing to diminish his continued prominence, it also shouldn't overshadow the fact that his new album, The Magic Position, is fantastic. From a personal standpoint, I haven't heard a record that's so consistently interesting and appealing in a very long time.
It's a shame that I didn't catch him live, as he seems a really dynamic live performer, but thanks to the power of mass media, I've found this set recorded on August 8th, 2004 at the Benicàssim Festival in Spain. However, this is definitely a different era, and newcomers (like myself) would probably find the new album more accessible. The instruments often take a backseat to Patrick's often introspective voice. Still, it's a fine set, and confirms that there's a lot of depth to a musician that's so (relatively) young.
1. Prelude
2. To The Lighthouse
3. Tristan
4. Don't Say No
5. Demolition
6. The Childcatcher
7. Pigeon Song
8. Paris
9. A Boy Like Me
10. Polish Confusion
11. Wolf Song
12. Bloodbeat
Bonus Tracks:
MP3: Patrick Wolf - Overture
MP3: Patrick Wolf - The Magic Position
Finale: Here
thank you so much :) xxx
could you repost prelude and polish confusion?thank you,
it's abolish confusion :)
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